Well, this is all very interesting. The button has been pushed, the accommodation has been booked, the enthusiasm is sky high…………..now to train.
So where do we start? Well, as mentioned in my previous blog, a coach has been appointed. Whether he likes it or not, Ruley is the man who is going to ensure that I get to the start line in the best position possible, as fit as can be and uninjured – not a minor task in front of you Ruley!
At this stage, the coach has done nothing more than coax me into some semi regular training, a few swims here, a couple of runs there…….bike, what bike? Nonetheless, I have gotten out most days in the last 2 weeks since I entered the race although Ruley’s phone bill will be going through the roof with the amount of text’s he has been sending me as a “friendly reminder” that I need to JFT. I promise I won’t need to be pushed as much shortly mate, but damn it’s hard getting back into the habit!
Very shortly, I will be sitting down with Ruley and getting some guidelines in place to give me a bit of direction, but I've gotta be honest, he has some weird idea's sometimes. I'm just not quite sure what he is trying to tell me here!!
Of course an important part of any training plan is also the nutrition side of things, and I have been very conscious of what is going in. Just below you can see a very good example of me carbo loading on Saturday night at Sim’s 40th birthday! This Ironman training stuff is awesome!
In all seriousness, (apart from Saturday night) I have pulled my head in and I am being very careful with the diet. I’ll stress that I am not dieting, simply watching (and counting) what is going in. I have found the point counting system that Weight Watchers use very good in the past and I have started to do this again and it has quickly started to work (nearly 5 kgs down in the 2 weeks since I entered the race!)
Ruley and I will need to sit down shortly and work through a proper plan for the next 11 months. At this stage, just getting on the legs and dropping some weight is the priority but it will need to become more focussed. As an added complication, since the last time I was in serious, committed training my circumstances have changed considerably. I am now a single Dad and I have my kids every second weekend, as well as visit them twice midweek, normally Tuesday’s & Thursday’s.
I won’t be compromising my time with Jorja & Regan, so it’s going to be a matter of working out a plan that provides enough flexibility for these set commitments as well as the kids sport, school and hobbies where things are always popping up!
Just adds another dimension to what my training plan will look like, and later on I look forward to the long wind trainer and treadmill sessions on the weekends I have the kids. (I hate the friggin’ wind trainer!)
Another major change to my circumstance is that I have recently started a new job 6 weeks ago. This was a huge change for me as I had been with my previous employer for 20 years. So far the new job is going fantastically well, but I am conscious that it will also be a busy year work wise for me as I establish into the new role. This will also need to be factored into the training plan.
Anyway, it’s all very interesting and, dare I say, exciting. Having entered the race, started training and seeing the weight drop already has really given me a fresh outlook. As I sit her typing, my legs are absolutely killing me after Fee dragged me out for a (slow) 10km run Sunday arvo………….but it’s a good pain. I’ve missed it. It won’t stop me cursing Fee though for putting me through that!
Don't be fooled by Fee. She might look like an angel, but inside is a devil and proved it Sunday arvo on a hungover 10k run |
This weekend was a bit disjointed training wise as between having the kids for the weekend and the 40th birthday, but I managed to get a quick run in Saturday afternoon, about 5k’s, and then the 10ker mentioned above with Fee. Last night was a late one catching up on some work, so decided when the alarm went off Monday morning that a sleep in till 7am was the best idea ever. (Sorry Ruley)
So, where are we at so far? Well, since signing up just under 2 weeks ago I have managed to fit in more training than I have done in probably the last 12 months, have pulled my head in with my diet, bar a small indiscretion Saturday night, and along the way have lost a bit of weight. Official weigh in Monday morning was 115.3kg, a drop of 4.7kg total.
So it means so far, so good. I haven’t expired during any of these training sessions yet, although I think it was close Sunday afternoon. I wasn’t game to turn around, but I think the Mica Paramedics were following behind. Kinda like when you see the ambo following the horses at the racetrack………..but much, much slower!
I feel good and realise how much I have missed the soreness and the tiredness – seriously, we all have to be farked in the head………fancy missing this stuff, but it’s true. I know it’s still a while away, but looking forward to being able to mix it up with the guys on the bike again. Well hopefully anyway!
So it’s off to bed – heading out on the bike in the morning.
Train safe.
Train safe.